NDC: Creating favorable investment climate for liquid and solid waste management projects


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Ensuring a favorable investment climate for projects in the liquid and solid waste management sector, especially as there are several mature and bankable projects, was the main recommendation put forward by participants at the “International Investment Conference for the Implementation of Tunisia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the NDC Partnership”, held from May 25 to 26 in Tunis.

The panelists also called for the introduction of fiscal and financial incentives, as well as the updating of studies that are becoming obsolete. They also called for the provision of highly specialised data and studies, as well as a solution to the problem of financing, which remains very costly.

These conclusions are the outcome of four workshops organised on the challenges and priorities of the NDC, in the energy and industrial processes sector, in the field of food and water security, and for the development of the circular economy, as well as on the preservation and sustainable use of vulnerable ecosystems.

Tunisia ratified the Paris Climate Agreement under Organic Law No. 2016-72 of October 31, 2016 and submitted its Nationally Determined Expected Contribution (NDEF) on September 16, 2015.

In compliance with the provisions of Article 3 of the Paris Agreement, the country updated its NDC in October 2021, highlighting the importance of a transition to a new, inclusive development model aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Tunisia’s updated NDC aims for a radical paradigm shift in all economic sectors, through the reduction of the carbon intensity of the national economy by 45% by 2030, compared to the base year 2010, and the strengthening of the country’s resilience to climate change, by significantly reducing the vulnerability of its ecosystems, population, territories and economy with a view to sustainable development.

The implementation of this contribution requires the mobilisation of substantial financial resources, estimated at around 19.4 billion USD over the period 2021-2030, including 14.4 billion USD for mitigation, 4.3 billion USD for adaptation and 0.7 billion USD for capacity building.

This conference, attended by diplomats and representatives of international, regional and national cooperation organisations that are members of the NDC Partnership, aims to present priority sectoral projects for climate change mitigation and adaptation.


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