Ecomondo opens its 25th edition with record numbers. And a heavyweight endorsement. That of the newly appointed Minister for the Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin,
The world of the Green Economy is back with Ecomondo and Key Energy, the Italian Exhibition Group shows dedicated respectively to the circular economy and renewable energy.
Just a few days to go before KEY ENERGY, the event of reference for renewable energies organised by Italian Exhibition Group, to be held from 8th to 11th November at Rimini Expo Centre in conjunction with the 25th edition of Ecomondo and the General States of the Green Economy (8th – 9th November), now at their eleventh edition.
Having just concluded a globally successful September edition of Vicenzaoro September (in conjunction with VO VINTAGE), IEG - Italian Exhibition Group appointments are already expecting four extremely intense months of business. The joint-stock company’s role as a community catalyst will also be exercised through the various events ready to head towards the Group's Expo Centres and locations thanks to a busy calendar of international appointments.