
TICAD 8 : Kais Saïed urges new development approach in Africa

" A new development approach in Africa which rests on social justice and human rights is needed today, " President of the Republic Kais Saïed said at the opening of the "Tokyo International Conference on African Development" (TICAD 8) on Saturday.

Food trade balance posts deficit of TND 1,559.7 million in June 2022

The food trade balance posted a deficit of TND1,559.7 million in June 2022, against TND806.9 million during the same period in 2021, i.e. a coverage rate of 66.9% in 2022 against 75.1% in 2021, according to the National Observatory of Agriculture (ONAGRI).

UTICA welcomes progress in negotiations with IMF and urges government to undertake reforms

The Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts (UTICA) on Wednesday welcomed the progress of negotiations between Tunisia and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), calling on the government to promptly undertake socio-economic and financial structural reforms.

IMF : Discussions on new EFF to support authorities’ economic policies and reforms have been productive

«Discussions on a new Extended Fund Facility (EFF) to support the authorities' economic policies and reforms have been productive, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said.

Fitch places Tunisia and other countries on UCO on Final Sovereign Rating Criteria

"Fitch Ratings has placed Tunisia's 'CCC' Long-Term Foreign - (FC) and Local-Currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) and debt instruments Under Criteria Observation (UCO) following the conversion of the agency's exposure draft of its Sovereign Rating Criteria into final criteria, says expert in economics and financial markets, Moez Hadidane."

