
NDC: Creating favorable investment climate for liquid and solid waste management projects

Ensuring a favorable investment climate for projects in the liquid and solid waste management sector, especially as there are several mature and bankable projects, was the main recommendation put forward by participants at the "International Investment Conference for the Implementation of Tunisia's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the NDC Partnership", held from May 25 to 26 in Tunis.

Tunisia’s Sovereign Bonds: Divergent readings reflecting lack of objective assessment

The wide divergence in the readings issued by financial analysis institutions on Tunisia's sovereign bonds reflects the lack of objective evaluation tools in the hands of the financial industry and paves the way for influence that serves international financial agendas.

TIA : Twelve investment projects reported in Q1

Twelve investment projects were reported in Q1 of 2023, the Tunisia Investment Authority () said, with a total value of TND 543.5 million, i.e. a 27% rise compared with the same period last year.

Tunisia : Inflation rate slows down to 10.3% in March

The inflation rate slightly edged down to 10.3% in March, despite a 0.7% increase in the consumer price index, the National Institute of Statistics said Wednesday.

Automotive companies called to join energy transition to prove their performance

"Companies operating in the automotive sector are called upon, today, to adhere to the energy transition to prove their performance in terms of energy while offering efficient products that allow the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, said Vice President of the Tunisian Automotive Association (TAA), Myriam Elloumi.

