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  • At Rimini Expo Centre (8th – 11th November), important meetings organised by the European Commission and in-depth discussions on China and Africa
  • Studies on future energy scenarios and the electric automotive market will be presented

Just a few days to go before KEY ENERGY, the event of reference for renewable energies organised by Italian Exhibition Group, to be held from 8th to 11th November at Rimini Expo Centre in conjunction with the 25th edition of Ecomondo and the General States of the Green Economy (8th – 9th November), now at their eleventh edition.

The forthcoming 2022 edition of KEY ENERGY will see traditional events, such as KEY WIND, the historic exhibition dedicated to the wind energy sector, alongside SOLAR&STORAGE, which will be offering an exhibition of technologies for photovoltaics, solar thermal and storage systems. And lastly, an area on the energy vector of the future: HYDROGEN. As always, ENERGY EFFICIENCY will be given ample space with technologies and solutions for the intelligent use of energy resources in industry. KEY ENERGY confirms its role as the reference point for public and private ELECTRIC MOBILITY. SUSTAINABLE CITY, a special project that outlines the evolution of cities in terms of digitalisation and urban regeneration, completes the offer. The record-breaking and completely sold-out exhibition area will be accompanied by a packed programme of meetings, which, in terms of number and quality, have also returned to pre-pandemic levels, and will include the presentation of a number of scenario studies on the future of energy and electric mobility and a series of international appointments involving the European Commission, China and Africa.

KEY ENERGY will open on 8th November with a major conference on “Disruptive Energy Scenarios for Italy”, organised by the Technical Scientific Committee, which will focus on the rapid growth of renewables and the increasing attention on reducing energy consumption. The focus will be provided by a study conducted by Elemens entitled “Scenarios and tools for accelerating renewables”, which aimed at assessing the investments, costs and long-term benefits of renewables. As for meetings of an international nature, November 9th will see “ Pitch session with EU funded projects with sustainable solutions”, organised by the European Commission together with the Technical-Scientific Committees of Ecomondo and Key Energy, and “EU funding for green projects – a world of possibilities” (10th November). The meeting “Climate Change Perspectives: the path of China” (9th November) will be dedicated to the opportunities offered by the Chinese market. A third appointment at Rimini for African business with “Africa Green growth” (10th November), organised by Res4Africa. Lastly, for the storage and battery sector, the meeting entitled “ Beginning of C&I Energy Storage Era in Europe: Market Assessment, Potentials & Business Models”, organised by IBESA (International Alliance for Battery and Energy Storage).

The panel of more specific conferences on photovoltaics, storage, and wind power, organised at KEY ENERGY by trade associations, will also be full and all-encompassing. These include ITALIA SOLARE, which has scheduled a series of meetings, one of which on distributed generation, a key player in future energy. This will be discussed at “ Energy communities: objectives and projects about to start with the implementation of Legislative Decree 199/2021” (8th November), in cooperation with Coordinamento FREE and Legambiente, as well as the meeting entitled “Interesting new renewables: Sun Belts and more” (9th November), with focus on those agricultural or industrial areas where renewable systems can be installed as a result of Decree Law 17/2022. November 9th is also the day dedicated to wind power. ANEV has two sector meetings scheduled for that day: in the morning “Offshore wind energy in Italy” , in the afternoon “Simplification for new projects and renovations in the wind energy sector” which will deal with the topic of authorisations. Similar topics will also be addressed regarding “The Development of Renewable Electricity in Italy, the impact on grids and authorisation procedures” (10th November), a conference organised by Elettricità Futura that will provide an opportunity to take a closer look at the opportunities that the Italian electricity sector can seize from the REPowerEU Plan.

Approximately one year since the first pilot experiences, a look will be taken at the current situation of territories and the regulatory developments in “Small Municipalities and Energy Communities, where are we?” (11th November), organised by I Borghi più Belli d’Italia.

Recovering unused agricultural areas with agro-voltaic systems will be discussed in “The new agro-voltaic system frontier” (8th November), organised by ANIE, ENEA, ETA Florence.

The meetings will include a double appointment with the Althesys consulting company, which, for 9th November, has organised “The electricity sector of the future. Renewables, the energy crisis and innovation are mapping the market to 2030” and “Investors, finance and renewables: even marriages of interest work” dedicated to financial investors. Ample space will be given this year to the various production sectors looking for solutions to reduce the energy bill. These include the conference entitled “Renewables and efficiency to reduce high energy bills in the agrifood industry” (9th November), in cooperation with Federalimentare. On the practical side, the meeting organised by the National Fire Brigade will deal with the age-old topic of “F ire safety in buildings with photovoltaic systems. The fire behaviour of PV roofs: international and national context” (8th November).

KEY ENERGY is also betting on hydrogen, which has acquired a leading role as a vector for decarbonisation, gaining increasing weight in the country’s energy strategies. Rimini will be holding two notable events: “The hydrogen challenge: what opportunities for the Italian industrial supply chain and what initiatives are being promoted by the country’s energy strategy” (9th November), organised by H2IT, ENEA, ANIE and “Hydrogen: building the supply chain and internationalisation strategies – The European H2GLOBAL project” (10th November), organised by Clust-ER Greentech and H2IT , during which the aim of this project to contribute to positioning Europe as an industrial and technological leader in the global green hydrogen economy will be discussed.

Big sustainable mobility challenges will also be at the centre of KEY ENERGY debates. For the occasion, (on 10th November) Cami, the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice’s Centre for Automotive E-mobility innovation, will be outlining, in collaboration with Motus-E and Vaielettrico , the results of its analysis on the transformation of the automotive ecosystem. Data from the world of electric mobility in Italy and opportunities on future market and employment scenarios will be presented. Reminding us that 2035 already represents a watershed for the automotive industry, which has been called upon to complete the biggest revolution in its history, will be the task of the meeting entitled “Towards 2035: the car (and institutions) at the decarbonisation test” (11th November), organised by Inside EVS and Ev-Now .

The complete dissemination of electric vehicles will necessarily depend on the possibility of being able to recharge them in places where they are parked for long periods of time, such as at homes, in apartment blocks and garages or in company car parks. The topic will be addressed at the meeting “Private recharging in apartment blocks and company car parks. The way forward for the development of mass electric mobility’, organised by Vaielettrico (11th November).

Also of note is the meeting on the transformation of public transport entitled “The energy transition of collective mobility” (10th November), organised by ASSTRA, while Kyoto Club will be presenting the results of the Zero Emission Truck Project (9th November) together with Motus-E explaining the results of the roadmap to 2030 for the electrification of light and heavy road freight transport. The diffusion of private recharging, however, requires, on the one hand, a decisive awareness on the part of users (property owners, apartment block administrators, fleet managers), and on the other, a specific offer from mobility service providers and suppliers of increasingly evolved and specialised hardware.

The various aspects of energy efficiency will be the focus of numerous events, also in light of the enormous burden taken on by the 110% Superbonus and other forms of incentive: “Energy Efficiency in Buildings and PA facilities”, (10th November), organised by Key Energy’s Technical-Scientific Committee, with the collaboration of Federico Testa , lecturer in Economics and Business Management at Verona University. The meeting will also discuss the need to increase efficiency in Public Administration buildings in the face of the energy crisis. Also worth mentioning is “Energy efficiency in the construction industry indispensable for energy transition”, (11th November) organised by Kyoto Club. Another noteworthy event is the 8th “National Passivhaus Conference. Can there be a sustainable and democratic future without passive construction?” The event, organised by the Zero Energy & Passivhaus Institute for Research, will aim to promote the passive building model as a decisive tool in the environmental challenge.

One of the new entries at this year’s KEY ENERGY is to be staged in the hall dedicated to energy efficiency (B6), where a new thematic area has been created in collaboration with the Main Partner Green Building Council Italia and ECOMONDO: the Sustainable Building District . This area dedicated to sustainable building brings together GBC Italia’s expertise on the subject and is specifically aimed at designers, such as architects, engineers and surveyors, but also energy and facility managers, urban planners, Public Administration and apartment block administrators. The project offers to be a new reference platform for those companies, professionals, builders, real estate and public and private stakeholders involved in leading the transition – especially in the construction and real estate sectors – towards climate neutrality.

Among the project’s objectives is the desire to offer quality training on the subject of sustainable construction, but also to spread know-how and culture on energy efficiency and the circular economy applied to the construction industry, including the dissemination of data and updates to sector operators on market transformation.

The conferences will be held in the Energy Efficiency Agora, right next to the themed area. Worthy of note among the events are: “Data and processes for assessing the impact of buildings over their entire life cycle” (9th November), which aims to identify methods, standards and univocal references for assessing the environmental impact of buildings throughout their lifecycle; “The holistic approach to the decarbonisation of buildings: Energy, Water, Air and Matter” (10th November), which will deal with a type of approach capable of offering a global assessment of the performance of buildings and all the construction industry’s components, maximising the reduction of CO2 equivalent emissions; “Urban regeneration: synergy at city scale for the ecological transition of the construction industry” (11th November) which will once again highlight how urban regeneration is not simply the redevelopment of degraded buildings but also aims to make cities more sustainable and people-friendly. All these appointments are organised by Green Building Council Italia.

SUSTAINABLE CITY, which groups ideas for designing the future of cities from a sustainable perspective, will include numerous meetings of interest. Among these: “Citizen Science: involving citizens in the sustainable transition of cities” (9th November), organised by Key Energy’s Technical-Scientific Committee in collaboration with Gian Marco Revel , lecturer in Industrial Engineering at the University of Marche, where the focus will be on presenting and discussing concrete examples of Citizen Science to be transformed into business opportunities for companies and smart innovation for PAs. This event will also see the return of the Ecohitech Award, which has been rewarding solutions and projects for smart and sustainable cities since 1998 (10th November).

Another event not to be missed is “Digitisation of services for green and resilient cities: prospects and opportunities” , organised by LUMI and Key Energy’s Technical-Scientific Committee. The event aims to create a moment of debate on perspectives and opportunities in the innovative use of data to support functions and services at an urban level. Events will also include “Meetings of Light – The role of public lighting in Smart cities” organised by AIDI – Italian Lighting Association. Six talks will explore the importance of lighting in the smart and sustainable cities of the future.

The complete conference programme is available on the following the link Here 


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