Automotive companies called to join energy transition to prove their performance


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“Companies operating in the automotive sector are called upon, today, to adhere to the energy transition to prove their performance in terms of energy while offering efficient products that allow the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, said Vice President of the Tunisian Automotive Association (TAA), Myriam Elloumi.

She added, during an information and awareness-raising workshop for companies in the automotive sector on the theme: “Energy Efficiency”, held Thursday in Tunis, that the TAA association in collaboration with the National Agency for Energy Management (ANME) are collaborating to implement a multitude of actions and energy efficiency operations to accompany and raise awareness of companies in the automotive sector so that Tunisia continues to be the leader in this field with a position in the top 3 producers of automotive components in Africa and expertise highly recognised at the regional level.

For his part, Director General of Manufacturing Industries at the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mines, Fathi Sahlaoui mentioned the crucial role of automotive companies in the revival of the Tunisian economy, which has recently been materialised by new investments and extensions of production units of automotive components companies.

He added that the automotive sector, classified as a priority, which includes about 180 companies, must give more importance to the energy and environmental aspects to improve the positioning of Tunisia in this field.

In this context, he recalled that the energy strategy of Tunisia by 2035, developed by the Ministry of Industry aims at the security of energy supply, the decarbonization of the economy, economic development and the guarantee of a socially just transition, inclusive, creating jobs and wealth and ensuring gender equality.

CSR manager at ANME, Raja Fradi presented the Energy Transition Fund (ETF) which aims to encourage investment in the field of energy management and support the creation and promotion of energy companies as well as the implementation of national programmes contributing to energy management through participation in the financing of actions and projects and the provision of various sources of funding to cover the costs of investments in the field of energy management in order to achieve the energy transition.

She stressed that the practice of Energy Efficiency (EE) through energy audits can reveal in the automotive sector in Tunisia opportunities to increase their competitiveness by reducing or controlling energy costs.

He added that alignment with international EE standards is vital for the competitiveness of the Tunisian industry in the context of globalisation.

The information and awareness-raising workshop on energy efficiency is organized by ANME and the association (TAA), with the support of the project “Partnerships for employment and support to small and medium-sized enterprises in Tunisia” which is part of the Special Initiative “Decent Employment for a Just Transition”, mandated by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ Tunisia, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy.


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