Tunisia – INS : Trade balance deficit widens to 2,614.5 MD


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The trade balance deficit widened to 2,614.5 million dinars (MD) at the end of the 1st two months of 2022, from 1,894.3 MD during the same period in 2021.

The coverage rate lost 0.8 point compared to the same period in 2021, to settle at 77.5%, according to statistics on “Foreign Trade at current prices, February 2022,” released Saturday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).

Exports posted a 31.6% rise in the first two months of 2022 against a 10.1% drop in the first two months of 2021, to reach 8,999.2 MD against 6,839 MD during the same period last year.

Likewise, imports grew by 33% against a 12% fall in the 1st two months of 2021.

In value, imports edged up to 1,1613.7 MD against 8,733.3 MD during the same period the previous year.


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